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About Celticnewsnow

Celtic News for Internet Bampots was launched in late 2010, from a desire to create a more level playing field for Celtic bloggers versus traditional news media.

Agenda or not, many sports writers in the mainstream media seem more interested in selling eyeballs to advertisers than investigating and reporting real news.

Whatever you think of the MSM, it still influences many a fan’s view on the performance of their club and the state of Scottish Football.

At the same time, there are many good football bloggers (so-called ‘Internet Bampots’), who do investigate, who do report on real issues, and who do write passionately about their team and the sport in general – but need help getting their content in front of other fans.

Whilst some news aggregation sites already exist that gather content from different sources on a specific topic, as a football fan I think they feel a bit dull.

I wanted to create the one place where Celtic fans could go for all their news and a richer experience – including photos, videos, fixtures, player profiles and more.

And so, a very rough Celticnewsnow was born one weekend in October 2010.

Fast forward to 2025, we now have the website, daily email newsletter, popular Facebook and Twitter accounts, and our brilliant free app, all of which are helping to bring more readers to independent Celtic bloggers.

Get the Celticnewsnow app
Get the Celticnewsnow app on iOS and Android!

Launching the free Celtic News Now app in August 2015 was a major milestone. Thanks to help from many Celtic fans who promoted the launch on their blogs and social media, the app reached the top 20 of the Sports category on the UK’s iOS and Android app charts during this period, and has since garnered hundreds of five star reviews.

Android app on Google Play

Thank you to everyone who has downloaded the app, written a review, and shared the link with friends and family!

I’d love to get your feedback on the app – positive or negative – and any ideas you have for new features.

Hail Hail!