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“Along with subsequent demotion and commotion”. Supposed “Celtic man” Keevins just cannot bring himself to state the truth when it comes to Rangers’ liquidation
Read Celtic · Sep 22

“Along with subsequent demotion and commotion”. Supposed “Celtic man” Keevins just cannot bring himself to state the truth when it comes to Rangers’ liquidation

“Along with subsequent demotion and commotion”. Supposed “Celtic man” Keevins just cannot bring himself to state the truth when it comes to Rangers’ liquidation
“Along with subsequent demotion and commotion”. Supposed “Celtic man” Keevins just cannot bring himself to state the truth when it comes to Rangers’ liquidation

So, I’ve done my usual round of the Sunday morning papers, and finally I come to Keevins’ article in the Sunday Mail. It’s titled as follows: R*****s are family at war with bad blood everywhere and street fighter Dave King is back in the brawl I’m not even through the first paragraph and the hackles

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