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As Ibrox collapses, Celtic needs Aberdeen’s current challenge to be the real deal. We’ll find out next Saturday what it really amounts to
Read Celtic · Oct 13

As Ibrox collapses, Celtic needs Aberdeen’s current challenge to be the real deal. We’ll find out next Saturday what it really amounts to

As Ibrox collapses, Celtic needs Aberdeen’s current challenge to be the real deal. We’ll find out next Saturday what it really amounts to
As Ibrox collapses, Celtic needs Aberdeen’s current challenge to be the real deal. We’ll find out next Saturday what it really amounts to

Once upon a time, Stewart Regan claimed that Scottish football needed a strong R*****s, in fact, in his view, any kind of Ibrox entity at all would do. Right now, Scottish football has a very weak Ibrox entity, and no matter what way you look at it, it seems to be coming apart at the

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