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Boyd raises incredible SFA conspiracy in The Sun: “FKB at it, Spotlight off Balogun, Why can’t they just take a beating”
Indy Celts · Jan 2

Boyd raises incredible SFA conspiracy in The Sun: “FKB at it, Spotlight off Balogun, Why can’t they just take a beating”

Boyd raises incredible SFA conspiracy in The Sun: “FKB at it, Spotlight off Balogun, Why can’t they just take a beating”
Boyd raises incredible SFA conspiracy in The Sun: “FKB at it, Spotlight off Balogun, Why can’t they just take a beating”

Kris Boyd has thrown fresh fuel on the meltdown across the city as the delusion descends to new depths, with lawyers, boycotts and scanners filling Follow Follow where a tin hat is quickly becoming the prerequisite to join...

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