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Celtic v Atalanta BC: Important matchday information
Celtic FC · Oct 23

Celtic v Atalanta BC: Important matchday information

Celtic v Atalanta BC: Important matchday information
Celtic v Atalanta BC: Important matchday information

As the Bhoys prepare for another European clash, the club has been asked by Atalanta BC and Italian Police to ensure that Celtic supporters in Bergamo are aware of the following key messages ahead of our UEFA Champions League match this evening: Celtic fans should congregate at the dedicated meeting point at Piazzale degli Alpini and arrive at the stadium using the shuttle buses only All fans are required to produce ID upon entry. This must be a Passport or National ID Card only, and the name on the ticket must match that on the ID provided Fans taking flags or banners must ensure these are produced for inspection by Italian Police/Atalanta BC officials prior to entry Celtic supporters must only attend the match if you have a ticket from the official Celtic FC allocation as no access will be permitted to home sections Fans should also be aware that bags over A4 size will not be permitted and there is no storage area at the stadium. Telephone chargers/powerbanks are also not permitted within the stadium.FixturesAtalanta Vs. Celtic – Wed, Oct 23rd 2024, 17:45

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