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‘Frightening’ ‘Steamrollered’ ‘not good enough’ – fear and loathing of Daily Record reporters as they look to Glasgow Derby
Celtic365 · Aug 16

‘Frightening’ ‘Steamrollered’ ‘not good enough’ – fear and loathing of Daily Record reporters as they look to Glasgow Derby

‘Frightening’ ‘Steamrollered’ ‘not good enough’ – fear and loathing of Daily Record reporters as they look to Glasgow Derby
‘Frightening’ ‘Steamrollered’ ‘not good enough’ – fear and loathing of Daily Record reporters as they look to Glasgow Derby

Think about how far behind Rangers look compared to Celtic, honestly, ah think, ah think it’s frightening. Ah look at that Celtic squad, just looking at the midfield, you could argue Celtic have got the three best midfielders in the country.

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