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From “Flawless” to “Dumpster fire of a season so far” Football from all angles rages after latest Newco injury
Indy Celts · Sep 26, 2023

From “Flawless” to “Dumpster fire of a season so far” Football from all angles rages after latest Newco injury

From “Flawless” to “Dumpster fire of a season so far” Football from all angles rages after latest Newco injury
From “Flawless” to “Dumpster fire of a season so far” Football from all angles rages after latest Newco injury

The football from all angles mob are back at it this time raging at the current state of the Newco team list which will be one less after Beale’s nonsensical decision to exacerbate an injury by allowing a player to try and run off a knee injury...

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