For over thirty years, has worked tirelessly to combat poverty across Greater Glasgow, initially operating as a soup kitchen feeding the homeless community from the back of a van before expanding to become a regular feeding programme. In the present day, the organisation exists as a foodbank service, ensuring those facing extreme poverty have access to food and essentials. The organisation recently hosted a very special visit from Celtic’s Nicolas Kühn and Luke McCowan. “At, we unfortunately have to supply around 250 food parcels a week, which puts enormous pressure on our service, so the support from the Foundation is invaluable. When I first started here, everyone told me about the link over the years with the Foundation and Celtic FC and it’s just as strong as they said it was, especially at Christmas. “Every Christmas, we say that it can’t get any busier, but it does. But every Christmas, the Foundation are there supporting us and it means so much, we can’t thank everyone that contributes. “It was also fantastic to have Nicolas and Luke with us for the day. It was great to see them get stuck in and get involved by helping to make up some food parcels, and we’re grateful to them for coming to see us.” Lesley Davidson,
Celtic FC Foundation · Nov 29, 2024
Loaves and Fishes
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