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Matt Corr’s Malawian Diary – A beautiful Sunday in Blantyre, Malawi
The Celtic Star · Jun 17

Matt Corr’s Malawian Diary – A beautiful Sunday in Blantyre, Malawi

Matt Corr’s Malawian Diary – A beautiful Sunday in Blantyre, Malawi
Matt Corr’s Malawian Diary – A beautiful Sunday in Blantyre, Malawi

Matt Corr’s Malawian Diary Part 6 – A beautiful Sunday in Blantyre, Malawi but sadly no football for the Celtic FC Foundation volunteers! Sunday morning, up with the lark. Well, not quite. It’s a 7.00 am rise at Kabula Lodge for a 7.45 departure, as some of the Celtic FC Foundation volunteers head to church...

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