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No Matter How They Try, Ibrox And It’s Media Allies WIll Never Pretty up This Hampden Fiasco.
The Celtic Blog · Aug 9

No Matter How They Try, Ibrox And It’s Media Allies WIll Never Pretty up This Hampden Fiasco.

No Matter How They Try, Ibrox And It’s Media Allies WIll Never Pretty up This Hampden Fiasco.
No Matter How They Try, Ibrox And It’s Media Allies WIll Never Pretty up This Hampden Fiasco.

Today, much to everyone’s amusement, the media is once again spinning stories about how Hampden is preparing for the Ibrox faithful. The Daily Record even featured a picture of a club sign being put up on one of the walls, as if this cosmetic change is supposed to excite anyone. Let’s be honest, if this

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