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‘Ram it’ ‘It’s all Brendan’s fault’ ‘Give us our party stand back or ram it’ Celtic fans react to Ibrox offer
VideoCelts · Jul 6, 2023

‘Ram it’ ‘It’s all Brendan’s fault’ ‘Give us our party stand back or ram it’ Celtic fans react to Ibrox offer

‘Ram it’ ‘It’s all Brendan’s fault’ ‘Give us our party stand back or ram it’ Celtic fans react to Ibrox offer
‘Ram it’ ‘It’s all Brendan’s fault’ ‘Give us our party stand back or ram it’ Celtic fans react to Ibrox offer

The layout of Ibrox leaves Celtic fans open to attack from all sides with little sign of stewarding, Police or CCTV in operation to identify the culprits which seemed to encourage more violence...

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