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‘Rebuild of the rebuild’ ‘a terrible mess’ ‘too many losers in that dressing room’ Chris Sutton has the last laugh over loser Beale
VideoCelts · Oct 7, 2023

‘Rebuild of the rebuild’ ‘a terrible mess’ ‘too many losers in that dressing room’ Chris Sutton has the last laugh over loser Beale

‘Rebuild of the rebuild’ ‘a terrible mess’ ‘too many losers in that dressing room’ Chris Sutton has the last laugh over loser Beale
‘Rebuild of the rebuild’ ‘a terrible mess’ ‘too many losers in that dressing room’ Chris Sutton has the last laugh over loser Beale

They are in a terrible mess. There are too many losers in that dressing room and they are paying the price for falling for Michael Beale’s spiel...

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