Yesterday certainly wasn’t the result we were looking for. It happens though. These results and these performances can come along for all teams. The reality is Celtic still find themselves in a very strong position. Now it’s up to Brendan and the Bhoys to quickly dust it off and get it out their system as St. Mirren come to Celtic Park on Sunday for the next SPFL Premiership match. Phil and Liam are here as usual on a Friday to pick through whatever bones there are from yesterdays (lack of) performance and look ahead to the match with St. Mirren. All aboard! 👍ENJOYING THE BUS? Check out playlists for some of our regular content. 🍀 Take a trip back through time with Phil into the Celtic archives on the Bustalgia tour: ▶️
The Bhoycie Bus · Jan 3
That Friday Feeling | Celtic Must Show Yesterday Was a ‘Blip’ As St. Mirren Come to Town | Ep. 58
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