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‘The guys in charge at Celtic need removed’ ‘we have to worry about this’ ‘why would there be paperwork issues?’ Celtic fans react to Palma delay
Celtic365 · Aug 28, 2023

‘The guys in charge at Celtic need removed’ ‘we have to worry about this’ ‘why would there be paperwork issues?’ Celtic fans react to Palma delay

‘The guys in charge at Celtic need removed’ ‘we have to worry about this’ ‘why would there be paperwork issues?’ Celtic fans react to Palma delay
‘The guys in charge at Celtic need removed’ ‘we have to worry about this’ ‘why would there be paperwork issues?’ Celtic fans react to Palma delay

As a Honduran, Palma will need certain paperwork in place which suggests that Celtic only decided very recently to make their move for the ARIS winger...

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